Frequently Asked Q’s
What if I color my hair
This one is pretty simple. If you highlight your hair, you’re good. If you have “normal” hair color, its best to make sure your color is in for 7-10 days and there is no color coming out onto a white towel. If your hair is colored or streaked with orange, bright red, blue shades, green, purple or yellow, then you cannot float. No exceptions. Sorry for this, but some people use box colors and those that have it professionally done, we know its not cheap to do. This is for the protection of your hair investment and the gel coat fiberglass in our float pods. Cleaning fees for staining our pods from hair dyes begin at $250. If the pod has to be drained, deep cleaned to remove a dye stain and brand new salt added, then that charge begins at $1000 and $69/hr that the pod is out of use for other guests. Please don’t wear a ball cap of any kind to cover up your wild color. If you show up for your appt and cannot float because of the color, you will be charged the full price of that appt and will not be allowed to float. Thank you for your understanding.
Do I need my swim suit?
Absolutely not (but its your choice). Float in whatever makes you comfortable, but most guests float comfortably in their birthday suit… totally free from clothing… buck naked.. You want as little sensory stimulation against your skin as possible! HOPEFULLY, you brought that birthday suit with you. 🙂
Is Floating a brand new concept?
Actually, while it is greatly modernized, the first floatation tank was created in 1954 by the American neurophysiologist Dr John C. Lilly, while working and studying the origins of conscious activity in the brain. The first float tanks were originally developed as isolation tanks as the goal was to restrict environmental stimulations. The resurgence is in full growth mode. In 2014 there were approx 76 float type businesses in the USA. There are now well over 400+ float locations in North America.
Who is floating beneficial for? What is a typical customer profile?
There really is not such a thing as a typical floater. Floating has evolved in the last 15 years to health and beauty spas, rehab facilities, professional sports teams and athletes around the world, and gradually to the general public. The most common uses for floatation are for assistance in relaxation, stress reduction, accelerated recovery from exercise, needed relief from chronic pain, during pregnancy (must be out of first trimester), jet lag recovery and just plain old-fashioned “ME time.” Basically, floating is now mainstream, anyone can benefit from it, and everyone is encouraged to try it! You owe yourself a break from the chaos in daily life.
What is the Floating Experience like?
It’s really like nothing else that you have experienced, for comparison sake. Our best description for you to wrap your arms and mind around is as follows: The water temperature coupled with the buoyancy created by the dense Epsom-salt (USP grade magnesium sulphate) solution means that once you are settled in the tank you will be brought as close as possible to an experience of complete weightlessness. In effect, your brain will be ‘fooled’ into believing that you are literally suspended freely in mid-air. Floating weightlessly your body is perfectly supported by a cushion of silky liquid. Freed from all sensation of gravity, temperature, touch, sight and sound, you conserve and redirect vast amounts of natural physical and mental energy. Unless you are an astronaut, this is the only situation you will ever encounter where your body is free from the sensation of the force of gravity. Imagine the feature at the beginning of Forest Gump, completely light, and fully free!
Will I float because I can't seem to float anywhere?
Yes, it is impossible to not float in the tank. The 1150 lbs of dissolved Epsom Salts (USP grade magnesium sulphate) is much more dense than your body, so your body is pushed to the surface.
What if I want to get out because its just not for me?
No problem at all. Floating is not for everyone and we’d be lying to you if we said it was. If you want to get out, it’s simple. Lift up the lid, stand up and step out. Get into the shower and clean yourself off and just get dressed. Some people just get themselves all worked up going in because they don’t know how to let go, truly relax and give themselves permission to just not care. We totally get that, so at least compliment yourself on trying something new.
What if I'm claustrophobic?
You are not confined at any time and you can keep the canopy open if you’d like. You have all the control you need. The tank is 8′ 5″ long, 4′ 3″ tall and 5′ 5″ wide. You have plenty of room.
Will I sleep in the tank and if so, is it dangerous?
Some people fall easily asleep in the pod and some people eventually get there. But falling asleep is not the absolute outcome you are striving for, so don’t worry. A 60 minute session is equivalent to 4 hours of deep sleep on your body. Not paying back your sleep debt (thats impossible to do), but rather making your body feel as if it had 4 more hours of deep sleep that night. Usually, people feel apprehensive about falling asleep because they feel they might roll over. Because of the density of the solution, it is very difficult to roll over and most people that have a problem with sleeping on their backs, have no problem whatsoever in the tank. Even guests that have sleep apnea and are used to a CPAP machine at night are usually surprised and do very well in our pods.
Can I resume my day after I float?
Absolutely you can. Just plan enough time so you don’t feel rushed getting back to your hectic life. You will know if floating is best for you in the morning or at night. It is different for each user, on the best time of day to float. Just don’t blame us if you feel so good after your float and go back to work and ask for a raise. But if you get it, we definitely want some props.
The term sensory deprivation scares me!
It is very unfortunate that these have been the words chosen and used over the past decades to describe this experience. We live in a world where we don’t like being told we are being deprived of anything. I assure you, your senses are fully operational and truthfully, are relieved of the sensory overload that we experience in everyday life. A better and more accurate description would be a reduction in sensory overload (and that is a very good thing, you’ll see).
Is there a perfect time of the day to float?
Actually, the perfect time is different for each person, depending on their needs and schedule. One thing is for sure though. If you float during the day when your body is still “gearing up,” then you will leave our studio relaxed, but have plenty of energy throughout the rest of the day. If you float late afternoon or early evening when your body is already “winding down” from the day, the experience is absolutely filled with total relaxation from the day. Either way, (especially your first night), people usually have an incredible night’s sleep and wake up so refreshed the next day (with some noticeable energy).
How has floating evolved over the years since it's inception?
Lilly’s initial creation built for itself a vision much broader than he could have ever imagined. Over the years continued experiments, refinements and advancements have taken the original design and concept to a new enhanced relaxation experience as well as a practical level for everyday use, and in so doing, Floating is slowly taken the nation by storm, one market at a time.
With all the technological innovation used in the equipment, is it easy to use?
Simple is an understatement. Sleeping and dreaming is one of the most in-depth things to study and explore, and yet is the most basic thing we do each day. Similarly, floating and the hydro-message, although they are contemporary and use cutting edge equipment are so easy and straightforward, even kids and people well into their 80’s can do it…AND do regularly! Quite frankly, we try to keep things really simple for you because life is already too complicated already… isn’t it?!
What if I struggle to relax and be still, can floating help?
ABSOLUTELY! The ultra-deep relaxation of floating “resets” the body’s balance, strengthening resistance to and accelerating recovery from the effects of stress, illness, injury or strenuous exercise….any one, or multiple of which may be causing you restlessness. Every single muscle in the body as well as the mind will be enabled to drift into the deepest state of relaxation possible. As activity slows down, your mind will become fully synchronized with your creative side, leaving you in a dream-like state, akin to the thoughts experienced just before you drift into deep sleep.
Are there any stipulations I should know about prior to floating?
Here are just a few.
- A person, must be at least 15 yrs. of age to float at The Float Spot. Any younger must have parental permission and a parent must remain in the float room during the entire session. No exceptions.
- If you have a heart condition or have a pacemaker, please consult your physician prior to floating
- If you have a fresh sunburn, you should not float until the burn has subsided
- If you have caffeine before you float, it may interfere with your ability to relax
- Pregnant women love to float, but we suggest you first consult your OB/GYN before because we believe in full transparancy.
- Ideally, shave more than 4 hours before a float or postpone till after, otherwise the salt will sting your skin for a few minutes.
- If you have dyed your hair, color must be in for at least 6-8 days. If you have a wild color, no color should be coming out on your towels when you shower at home. We have the right to refuse service based on a wild hair color because we cannot prove it was done by a professional and if it was, we know it wasn’t cheap. We don’t want you to take a chance then and that is for your own protection of your hair and the protection of our float tanks. The last thing we want to do is have to charge you a cleaning fee for the tank or for a destroyed towel. We hope you understand.
- You are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, have an infectious disease, open skin wounds or have suicidal tendencies
- You are an epileptic whose epilepsy is not under control
- You will be filling out a new client information sheet when you arrive, so we will be going through all of that
Is the experience standard across the board or more personalized?
Actually, while the procedure is fairly universal, the experience is extremely intimate and personal. Rarely will two people have the same feelings and experience during a float. In fact, one individual might experience very different outcomes floating from one day to the next. Some people sleep, others meditate or pray, and still others enjoy a time of complete rest and thoughtlessness! Finally, you can be worry free, and have the weight of the world lifted off your shoulders…whatever that may mean for YOU, personally!
Are there customizable options during a float?
You will be in total control, so just relax! For instance, it’s your choice to have the i-sopod canopy fully closed or open or to have the soothing electric blue lights and colorful experience on or totally off and rest fully in pitch darkness. Whatever you prefer. It is also your option to have ambient sounds on during your entire experience, totally off or a combination. Also, since it’s ALWAYS your choice, you can pick to use your own music as well via a waterproof bluetooth speaker that you can bring inside the pod with you.
Is the water changed after every floater?
There is actually no need to totally change the water after every session. By the nature of the solution (300 gallons of water, saturated with 1100 lbs of USP grade epsom salt-magnesium sulphate), the solution itself is a sterile environment. Nothing grows in that high of a mineral content when well maintained. After every session, the solution goes through an external filter for 15 minutes, taking out up to 1 micron of particles. We also use liquid chlorine on a routine basis for added sanitation and hydrogen peroxide (when needed) as an oxidizer. Not only does the solution get filtered after every single float, it goes through the same filtration process every 90 minutes (if someone is not floating), 24/7. We take great pride in the cleanliness of our studios and our float pods.
Should I eat before I float?
It is perfectly safe to have some food in your stomach before you float. In fact, if you were to go into your float on a very empty stomach and it began to growl, you may think that a grizzly bear is growling under the water because the sounds your stomach makes get magnified under the water. Definitely stay away from caffeine intake before you float. If not, you may have a very difficult time settling down.
The Term Sensory Deprivation Scares Me
We hate that term because most people dont like being told they are going to be deprived of anything. In all honesty, the only thing you are being deprived of is external stimulations. Floating is more about awareness and focus.
If I Need Any Assistance, Do You Provide That?
If you should need assistance getting in and out of the pod, please feel free to bring someone with you to assist that you feel comfortable with. Let us know and we can put a chair in the room for them to sit in while you float. But you know darn well they are going to be jealous that you’re in the pod and they are just sitting in a chair. Thats alright, they’ll get over it.
What are the Age Requirements to Float and...
Our minimum age to float alone at The Float Spot is 15 yrs old. If younger than 15, then a parent must be in the room at all times with that individual. No exceptions. You must be at least 10 years old to use the aqua massage, under 10 years old then a parent must stay in the room with you. The minimum age to use the Infrared Sauna (alone) is 17 years old.
* children cannot be left unattended at any time at The Float Spot, while an adult(s) is receiving services. Children must be in the direct care of a parent.
Will I Have Music Choices?
All of our sounds are built into the i-sopod system. Featuring various ambient and nature sounds. The idea is not to play your favorite music and have a jam session, but to let go and just BE. We have 13 different sounds to choose from. You can have the sound play the entire time, 10 min at the beginning and then 5 minutes at the end, the last 5 minutes only, and also 100% complete silence. Silence that is so quiet, it’s loud. 

What is Your Cancellation Policy?
Look, we know that things come up in this thing called life. We get that. You are sent a confirmation of your booked appt the second you book it and again, 24 hrs before your appt time. If you choose not to show up, then that’s on you and your credit card will be charged the full amount of the service(s) you had booked (no exceptions). We have a very fair cancellation policy. You must cancel or reschedule no less than 3 hrs prior to your scheduled appt. Failure to do so will be an automatic 50% charge of all services scheduled per person to the credit card you booked with. We believe these policies are very fair and it allows us to call those that are on a waiting list to float at certain times (especially on weekends).
Can I wear My Contacts While I Float?
It is absolutely up to you. If you should forget your contact case or solution, we keep both handy for you to borrow for your float. But in all honesty, most people float without them. If for some reason you happen to get the solution in your eyes, the last thing we would want is for the stinging to be that much worse because of your contact lenses.
Do You Have a Neck Cushion I Can Use?
We made a decison 8 years ago when we opened to not offer a neck pillow. We want you to learn to relax and try and let go of your stress in your neck. In all honesty, it actually raises your neck/head above the water in a very awkward position and you will feel that pillow/cushion the entire time. That is not what you should be focusing on when floating. Have guests ever asked for a neck cushion of some type? Yes they have, but not very many. Have they ever come out and said that their experience would have been much better if they had a pillow/cushion? Honestly, not that we can remember.
Do You Offer a Couple's Float?
Sorry, but we do not. This question always amazes us because we have no idea what people think can happen in the pod while you are floating. Get your mind out of the gutter people. Here is the truth. No two people relax the same way. No two people breath the same way. One person may want to talk and the other wants to put tape on the mouth of the person talking too much. Some people may see the buttons inside the pod and think they have found some toys. Bottom line, this is about you and you alone, so just enjoy the peace and quiet of the perfect Me Time!
Can I Wear a Shower Cap to Keep My Hair Dry?
You can wear a shower cap, but it won’t do any good. Shower caps or swim caps are made for water splashing over the top of your head, not for laying on your back and stopping water from getting to your hair. Everyone has a different shaped bone behind your ear (its actually called the mastoid bone). When you are laying on your back in the float pod and are relaxing and not trying to force your head to stay above the water line (fighting the buoyancy), the solution in the pod will seep in at that mastoid bone and will get your hair wet. But all of our shower products are paraben and sulphate free and we have hair dryers and a makeup mirror at our beauty bar for after your float. If there are certain hair care products that you need, please bring those with you and your favorite hair brush/comb/flatiron.
What Should I Bring With Me?
JUST BRING YOURSELF. We supply towels, ear plugs, shampoo/conditioner/body soap (all paraben and sulphate free), a beauty bar station for after your float that has hair dryers, toiletries, hair care products and a giant mirror. If you have a favorite brush, then by all means bring that. If you need a flatiron, bring that as well. We also keep contact lens cases on hand as well as contact solution. Just let our staff know. Other than that, we have you covered.
How Long Should I Float For My First Time?
That is entirely up to you, but here are some things we suggest to help you make that decision. People are usually in one of two categories. Analytical or creative. If you are creative, absolutely you can do an hour your first time. Creative people seem to be willing and able to try anything and can usually, let go much easier and just enjoy new experiences. Analytical people (you know who you are), tend to be more detailed. They have to know whats going or what will happen. They tend to not like to be surprised and everything has to make sense (1+1 has to equal 2 or they will find out why).
Maybe you have a different question that isn’t addressed above? Drop us an email and we will respond back as soon as possible !
Email us anytime: